Why Vanuatu Citenzship?

Advantages of a Vanuatu Citizenship

This program is perfect for those who would like to have visa-free access to more than 129 countries and territories around the world, including the UK, the EU countries and Singapore, as well as for those who need to implement tax planning.

  • Simple and quick due diligence check of candidates – only 7 days
  • Country is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations
  • Visa-free or visa on arrival access to more than 129 countries
  • Possibility to open accounts in international banks
  • Fast application process – from 1.5 months
  • No requirement to reside in the country
  • Parents (56 and older) and children (up to 25) can obtain citizenship together with an investor
  • No income, wealth, inheritance, capital gains and estate taxes
  • Dual citizenship is accepted
  • Information on obtaining citizenship is not disclosed to third parties
  • Possibility to get long-term visas to USA and Canada
  • No need to visit the island during application process